Alternatives to Single Use
Water Bottles
Replace Single Use Bottles.
Save $1000/yr+ and the environment:
How many bottles of water do you buy per day?
How much do you spend on bottled water?
For Example:
3 bottles at $1 each = $1095/yr. The same amount from a filtered faucet about $1/yr. A faucet filter system for a year could cost under $50. Add your reusable water bottle.
Learn more about bottled water​
What can you do instead?
Step 1:
Get a reusable bottle.
Step 2:
Drink tap water - an estimated 25% or more of the bottled water you buy is actually tap water. Might as well drink it for free.
Put a water filter on your faucet.
Buy a refillable 3-5 gallon water jug. Around 40c per gallon vs $6/gallon. Can refill at most grocery stores.
For carbonated beverages, buy a Soda Stream! It comes with refillable bottles and a refillable carbonator canister. Once empty, the canisters can be exchanged at most grocery stores.