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Ways to make a difference...

Compost Your Food Waste

Over 20% of the waste that sits in landfills is food. Because there is no oxygen in a landfill, food can take 20 years to break down. Food waste produces methane, a greenhouse gas, which damages the environment. If you are not composting already, check with your local municipality to find out if composting in your area is an option. If it's not an option, you can write to your city council members and request that this service be offered in your city. See 'Blog' section for sample letter to send to city council.

Choose Sustainable Toilet Paper

Try buying in bulk or buying rolls wrapped in recycled paper rather than plastic. See 'Favorite Products' tab for suggestions and product links.

Choose Un-Paper Towels

Try using reusable cloths instead of paper towels. You can even buy them on a roll just like paper towels. There are many alternatives. See our 'Favorite Products' tab for suggestions and product links.

Choose Sustainable Dental Floss

Instead of buying floss made of plastic fibers in a single-use plastic container, try dental floss made from silk in a glass jar or metal container. There are many alternatives! See our 'favorites tab' for suggestions and product links.

Choose Compostable Toothbrushes

Instead of plastic, use a bamboo toothbrush that can be composted when it reaches the end of it's lifespan. See our "Favorites' tab for suggestions and product links.

Choose Wax Wraps Not Plastic Wrap

Instead of plastic wrap, try wraps made from bees wax, They are non-toxic, compostable, smell like honey and work like a charm! There are many videos or websites with instructions on how to make your own wax wraps at home. Another alternative to plastic wrap is recycled paper. See our 'Favorites' tab for suggestions and product links.

Choose Sustainable 'Baggies'

Instead of plastic baggies, try silicone bags, compostable (plant-based) bags or reusable snack containers. See our 'Favorites' tab for suggestions and product links.

Choose Reusable To-Go Utensils

Carry your own reusable utensils when you travel or get take-out food. These are available in many materials such as bamboo, metal or silicone. A case is often provided. See our 'Favorites' tab for suggestions and product links.

Buy in Bulk

So many items can be bought in bulk and it's cheaper! I bring my own glass mason jars to the store, weigh them first and the refill them. Check your area for shops that sell in bulk. There are also many online shops that sell in bulk. See our 'Favorites' tab for suggestions and links.

Choose Natural Cleaning Products

Try making your own non-toxic household cleaners using baking soda and vinegar instead of toxic cleaners packaged in plastic. It’s better for your health and the planet. Or consider green alternative solutions. See our "Favorites" section for suggestions and links.

Choose Glass or Aluminum

Buy milk, catsup, mustard, nut butters, mayo, salad dressings etc., in glass jars instead of plastic if possible. I get a $2.00 rebate on my glass milk jar when I return it to the store! You can also ask the manager at your local store to carry milk and other items in glass. When buying beverages, try choosing aluminum cans or glass instead of plastic where possible.

Choose Sustainable Laundry Detergent

Buy laundry detergent in boxes, not liquid in plastic containers or refill your bottle in the bulk section of your local market. Soap Nuts are another wonderful alternative to laundry detergent. They are sustainable and have many uses and since they are literally a 'nut', they are non-toxic and compostable! See our 'Favorites' tab for suggestions and product links.

Choose Reusable Shopping Bags

Bring your own cloth/reusable bags to ALL stores instead of taking their paper or plastic bags. Keep them in the trunk of your car so you always have them. 

ChooseReusable Produce Bags

Use mesh/cloth/reusable produce bags instead of the plastic bags provided. These can be kept in your trunk along with your reusable grocery bags. 

Sustainable Sparking Water

Carbonate it at home! Use a Soda Stream to make carbonated water in reusable bottles at home.

Choose Sustainable Drinking Water

Use a refillable 3 or 5-gallon water jug or Brita water pitcher and use refillable bottles. Brita gives you a free shipping label to return your used filters! A filter can be attached to a faucet, a 3-5 gallon bottle can be filled at most grocery stores. How much do you spend on bottled water? Try Water Calculator on the Bottle Alternatives page.

Choose Reusable or No Straws

When ordering drinks, say "no straw thanks!" No straw is best but if you must, use straws made from glass, bamboo, paper, metal or silicone.

Choose Reusable To-Go Cups

Carry your own reusable coffee cup or beverage container. It's so much more pleasant to drink water, coffee or tea out of a pretty mug or container!

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