Hello and welcome to our website! My name is Diya and here are some things about me; I laugh a lot and I laugh really loud, I also sneeze really loud, I cry, I get angry, and I work through it, I feel others sorrow, pain and joy very deeply, I care deeply, I hug trees and I hug people, I dig in the dirt and the sand, I am curious and I explore, I chant and meditate and do yoga but I swear sometimes and drink coffee too, I love wandering in the woods, I talk to other beings (out loud) like bugs, plants and animals because I know they, too, are pervaded with Divine consciousness, I absolutely adore my husband Richard, I make mistakes, I get back up, I make more mistakes, I get back up again, I have learned to love myself not in spite of my shortcomings but because of them, I am brave and courageous, I face my fears and stare them down - sometimes they win but mostly I do, I have a spiritual teacher, named Amma, who is a tireless example of compassion in action and my inspiration, I'm sometimes funny and usually a little weird, I love anything cardamom, I feel immense gratitude for warm, cozy socks, I cherish simplicity and I never, ever give up because I know all roads eventually lead home to the Source of all that is. The Source of Pure Love and Supreme Consciousness within. May you take a moment and truly feel, in this moment, how beloved and cherished you are on this Earth.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.
Joy and Light to you,
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